Monday, February 25, 2013

Gonna Catcha - An arcade-style maze game [Updated 4/3/2013]

UPDATE 4/3/2013:  This page is deprecated.  Here's the more up-to-date page:

UPDATE 3/17/2013:  Woo!  Coloured portraits!

The time has finally come; allow me to introduce my new game project.

Game Info

The game is called Gonna Catcha, an arcade-style maze game where the player(s) assume the role of one of two psychopomps in their duty to get spirits to where they belong.  What's a psychopomp?  You know, those guys that guide spirits of the dead into the afterlife.  You knowthese guys.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stopgap Post

I wanted to make this post after I had gotten all of the stuff I wanted to say organized, but it was taking far too long.  And the fact that I haven't made a post in a long time, I decided to post what I have so far.  Don't worry, this blog isn't dead yet.

I have good news, bad news, and better news.

The good news is, the font caching bug is now fixed:

Hurrah, hurrah

The bad news is I'm suspending the development of Sticks and Stones until I can think of a new theme for the game, as I don't like the one I had in mind anymore.  Even if I can't come up with one, at least I have the beginnings of a 2D adventure game engine that I can use for other projects.

The better news is I've got a new project idea, one that is more traditional and less experimental.  Once I gather all the information, I'll post it here.  Stay tuned for updates!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Go home Font Caching, you are drunk.

I didn't expect myself to post so much in such a short time frame, but this is too amusing to pass up.  I was just messing around with Stick and Stones for a little bit when suddenly this happens:

Have you been hanging out with Zalgo?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

HTML5 Test - When was the last time I made a website?

Pffft, what a lazy port.

Just a quick post for today. Even though this isn't my first time uploading an HTML5 demo onto the internet, it is for my own, newly acquired domain name (yay!).  It's a port of the Android demo that I posted earlier, with a few new features.  Like the Android demo, it only responds to clicks.  You can find it with the following link:

Let the games begin...

Friday, February 8, 2013

My name is BASSGMS, I'll be your interpreter for today

I've for a long time found GameMaker's audio engine to be too limiting. particularly in the background music department.  That's why I choose to use an external audio library to handle the background music.

Long story short, GameMaker only allows you to use MP3s for background music, and the only flexibility you have for it is whether you want it to loop back to the beginning or not when it reaches the end.  That's why I prefer to use MO3 modules for my background music.  MO3s are tracker modules with MP3- or OGG-compressed samples rather than straight PCM samples.  In simpler terms, MO3s combine MP3- or OGG-compressed samples with data on how to play those samples.  Looping is internal to the MO3 itself and is seamless,  allowing you to theoretically have an infinite-length MP3/OGG quality music in a few megabytes, or even less.